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I Don't Have All The Answers but..

Religious Meditation

I Know A Man

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We are living in difficult times.....many are struggling

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Sunset Walk

Do you have unanswered questions?

  1. -Is God Real?

  2. -If He is...I can't seem to find Him. How do I?

  3. -Nothing happens when I pray. Why not?

  4. -How can I believe with so many doubts?

  5. -Who is God?   Where is God?

  6. -I am afraid....can God help me?

  7. -Why do I find it so difficult to believe?

  8. Why must I accept Jesus to be saved?

  9. Who is Jesus?

Many have already found the way

If you haven't as about others who have.   Read about Lee Strobel and C.S. Lewis. TWO self-proclaimed atheists.

At I Know A Man, we are committed to uplifting lives and bringing hope to all through answering questions you may have and in the process introducing you and I to a deeper understanding of the person of Jesus the Christ. We strive to embody Christian values, make a difference and bring hope. Join us in our efforts to share information and facts about the gospel message, many of which have been misunderstood or simply miscommunicated. Your sincerity to really know and understand is the key to getting your questions answered. Let's begin to explore.

Hands Together

Lee Strobel -past Chicago Tribune Legal Editor/ Christian Apologist

His Story of finding Christ

"The Case for Christ" is the true story of a Chicago Tribune editor (and atheist) named Lee Strobel, who undertakes the task of debunking the "myth" of Christianity after his wife's unexpected conversion. Ostensibly, Lee's intent is to save his wife from getting sucked into what he fears may be a cult. But as the story unfolds, his selfishness, intellectual pride and inability to address a deep-seated sense of woundedness stemming from his relationship with his father reveal the true motivations behind his refusal to believe in God. He becomes a Christian.

C.S. Lewis - x-Atheist/              Oxford Professor

His Story of finding Christ


C.S. Lewis was a British writer, literary scholar and professor at Oxford and Cambridge in England 1925-1963. He was one of the intellectual giants of the 20th century, contributing a wealth of literature ranging from children's literature and fantasy (most popular being The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and others in the Chronicles of Narnia Series), to literary criticism and popular theology. During World War II, his reflections on the BBC Radio broadcast - later republished as Mere Christianity- made the case for Christianity through then use of logic.

Cross on the Mountain Top
Hide and Seek
Family on Digital Tablet

YOU -along with your family and friends

Your Story of Finding Christ

With a sincere approach to finding REAL answers about the gospel and the person of Jesus, we believe you can get those difficult life and eternity questions answered. ECC 3:11 tells us that "HE has set eternity in the hearts of men". Inside each of us is a desire to KNOW where we come from and the purpose of life itself. HE desires to KNOW YOU and I in a very personal way.

Understanding Prayer

Prayer is our primary way of communicating with God. Many people see praying at mealtime or in group setting as prayer. It is actually petition. Prayer is a dialogue not a monologue. It is a 2 way conversation. See what Jesus said in Mathew 6:6. "Go into your closet" and speak with your heavenly father.

Understanding Sin

Sin in essence is rebellion and it disrupts our relationship with God. The solution is to seek forgiveness and to then repent (turn away from it). Always being aware that ALL sin is sin against GOD and  not only against the one you have offended.

Forgiveness & Repentance

Forgiveness and repentance are two different things. When we ask God for forgiveness it is instantaneous (1 John 1:9). Repentance is a VERB and it requires ACTION. We must then turn away from the sin we just asked forgiveness for. Ask for His help in resisting that temptation to sin again.

The Bible

The are a number of bible translations. That is why it tells us to "study to show yourself approved" rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15). The bible is God's instruction manual for you and I. We need a regular time to read and study the "word". God will never guide you in and area contrary to His word. 

Christianity is about becoming "Christ-Like" and becoming fully submitted to Him (John 1:12 - Receiving Him).  Christianity is NOT sin management.

Worker with Ladder
Father and Son Playing

Archeological and Secular Evidences

Conclusions by Non-Christians


Secular Historian

Flavius Josephus was a first-century Jewish historian who wrote the book "Antiquities of the Jews" about AD 93-94. The extant manuscripts of this book contain two references to Jesus of Nazareth and one reference to John the Baptist. Josephus' reference to Jesus as one popularly called "Christ" is an important corroboration with the biblical record of the life of Jesus. Josephus was NOT a Christian which makes his witness even more important.

Science/ Discovery

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